Marking-tapes for Social Distancing
Applying a guidance system is really easy. It makes sure that people keep at least the recommended distance of 2 meters from anthoer person.
Plasticmetall provides a wide range of marking-tapes for Social Distancing. They are easy to apply to a clean and dry surface.
- floor marking tape with chamfered edges (reduces the risk of tripping)
- for heavy duty use (forklift traffic)
- roll widths 50/75/100 mm
- different colours and die-cut shapes
- floor marking tape
- for heavy duty use (forklift traffic)
- roll widths 50/75/100 mm (further on request)
- different colours and die-cut shapes
- high-grade and good value floor marking tape
- roll widths 25/50/100 mm (further on request)
- different colours and die-cut shapes
- simple, effective, highly visible marking tape
- roll widths 25/50/100 mm (further on request)
- different colours
Further safety solution you will find here...